ZMod Train Show In Olso, Norway 2009
Springtime is not only a yearly natural wonder, but also the time to travel to Norway to visit my Friends in Oslo during the ZMOD Show! We always have a great time up there and this year Jeff from the BAZ BoyZ was there too. Of course Hans Riddervold spend all days with us and it was a pleasure to beg him about every news and plans from AZL. Let me thank you also to Torsja who hosted me in his house.

 Now what has Oslo to do with New York, San Francisco and San Diego? Just check out the second picture and you find it out. It's always a special pleasure for me to have my first meal at the Oslo airport and this year I've chosen Wisconsin food. The next pictures show Torsja, Jeff and me. We all got a special BAZ BoyZ boxcar from Jeff. Thanks a lot and very appreciated!
Chris, Pal, Henrik, Hans and Lars Erik are on the next pictures.

Of course one of the highlights was the presentation of the new AZL engines and cars. The breathtaking Challenger was everybody's favourite but also the GP30, GP38, Budd RC1, Tank cars, Stack cars, Auto Racks, hoppers etc., were beautiful and a very welcome addition to our scale. Jeff brought some awesome Centerbeam cars from Rob Ray and I was the lucky guy who got them in trade with Rob. Thank you Rob!

The next few pictures show the UP Challenger, the SD45 and F45 (my catch) on different layouts at Torsja's home. Some of them on the Needle Eye Layout, the others on different dioramas. You can see also the BAZ boxcars that were weathered by Jeff and some Álvaro cars and trailers that I bought to Oslo (little gifts).

This time I want to show you also some "outside" pictures. The beautiful lakes, the Opera, ships and container yards in day and night pictures. The illumination of the Opera and the reflection in the water was a lucky shot. Very good I had my tripod with me because the exposure time was almost 5 seconds.

We start with a funny "alien picture", these highlighted buildings are greenhouses for vegetables. They have a bright orange colour and give the whole scenery a special touch. All other pictures shows "men at work" and "men having fun" and don't forget the delicious pizzas we had.
Be sure guys, we'll see you next year!